The latest Amiga game news, reviews and opinions.


Tuesday 18 December 2012

Lemon Amiga's Top 10 Amiga Games You've Never Even Heard About!

Here's something a little different for today's blog post.

Rather than point you in the direction of a new game download or give you a heads-up on a forthcoming release, I'd like to highlight a YouTube video recently uploaded by the Lemon Amiga team.

The video in question is part one of a three part series, which aims to highlight some classic Amiga games you've never actually played.

I thought I was a pretty clued-up Amiga gamer, but there are titles here that I didn't know existed until I watched this.

If you want some new (well, new to you) games to play on your trusty Amiga over the Christmas period then this really is essential viewing.

Here's the background info accompanying the YouTube clip;
"[Here are the] Top 10 Amiga Games You've Never Even Heard About!

Yes, you read it right. Presented here is a showcase of some of the rarest, most unique and hard to find classic games for the Amiga computer. This Special features 65 (!!) Amiga games in total, and is presented in three 1 hour+ videos. The 'Top 10' are broken down into 10 genre categories, and this first video features the following 5 categories:

10. Platformers
9. Shoot Em Ups
8. Beat Em Ups
7. Run and Gun Platformers
6. 3D Adventures

That's 24 games, with at least 4 games featured in each catagory; so I'm sure you'll be able to find a game you've never even heard of among that lot!

For fans, see this also as a 'Fan test'. A genuine Amiga-head will probably know half of these rare titles. An enthusiast will know at least three or four, while the casual fan probably wont have seen any of these... Leave your comments below.

Part 2 will appear soon, and will feature:

5. Point 'N Click Adventures
4. Puzzle Games.

Then sometime before the New Year, Part 3 will feature:

3. 3D Shooters
2. Racing Games
1. Empire Builders

Thanks very much again for watching these...!

Happy Christmas".
The video runs for 1 hour and 15 minutes and is well worth your time. When parts two and three surface I'll let you know via the blog.

Now, enjoy...

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