The latest Amiga game news, reviews and opinions.


Wednesday 20 February 2013

Tales of Gorluth Official Trailer

In Friday's blog post I updated you all on the development progress of Backbone created RPG "Tales of Gorluth", which I originally looked at way back on the 2nd of January.

Well, since my post on Friday there have been further developments, and yesterday Viddi, the developer, uploaded a really professional looking teaser trailer for his forthcoming game.

Take a look below, and make sure the speakers are turned up!

The music playing in the above trailer isn't some tune ripped from another source. No, this is actually taken from the soundtrack to the game! I personally feel this is some of the best music I've heard on the Amiga in many years, and can't wait to hear the rest of the tunes.

If you want to follow the development progress of "Tales of Gorluth", I recommend visiting this thread over on the English Amiga Board. If you've not read through the thread before you'll find it a fascinating document detailing the highs and lows of the development process, and I'm hoping that in a future posting Viddi reveals some details relating to the development of the music. Well, I can hope!

In the meantime, you may want to bookmark the official "Tales of Gorluth" web site, which can be found at:

I'll bring you more news on this as and when it appears.

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